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  • Himalayan Salt Stone Massage Therapy

    From the Primal Sea came a pure, crystal-like salt rich in 84 naturally occurring minerals and elements called Himalayan salt. This blend of minerals that includes iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium detoxifies the skin and nourishes the soft tissue as the heat generated from warming the stones opens up the capillaries and allows the body to absorb these healing elements.

     Your problem areas are addressed using a combination of Swedish massage techniques (effleurage, petrissage, tapotement, vibration and friction) and Deep Tissue techniques
    • 90 Minute Custom Massage $134
    • 60 Minute Custom Massage $97

      Massage during pregnancy is a great way to reduce neck and back tension, increase circulation via improved lymphatic function, decrease headaches, reduce leg fatigue, balance glandular function, and flush toxicity from the tissue The expectant mother is positioned on her side and supported with supportive pillows to allow for comfort of the spine and avoid over compression to the abdomen.
Massage Therapist: Amy Gervais change